Let me kick off with an “against the grain” statement:
“While other “guru’s” will tell you how you need to niche down and I am focused on genres”
Now, I am not saying niching down is wrong, on the contrary, it’s great but it’s only great when you really want to work in that niche for an extended period of time…
And Dotcombaron is all about being in control and not being controlled by any external factor like networks, platforms, people, or bound to a niche…
At the end of this post I will show you a mindmap that connects every element mentioned in this post together
See as a Dotcombaron we want to be able to have the freedom to plugin any product that we like to sell, any person or company to work with WITHOUT depending on them…
We simply choose something that feels like a fit and add an audience to it.
Talking about audiences – a great example are the Shark Tank series…
Yes, they do have the money to invest but more importantly, they have the network and the audiences and when they see a product they like they first try to figure out how to plug it into their existing audiences…
And that’s way before they start making their offers…

If you don’t have audiences and you don’t have the budget to advertise the right way because believe me, throwing up an ad on for 50$ wont get you anywhere…
Or even worse, if you do have the budget but you don’t have the conversion strategy in place you will lose thousands of dollars and you are still in the hole…
So you need platforms that do take care of the traffic, Amazon, Etsy, eBay…etc and you pay for it with fees, listing fees, handling fees and they are in control…
They can decide to close your account at any given moment, they collect the valuable data, they control your content, they control your sales, heck they can shut your traffic to “your store” whenever you walk out of line
…are you the “entrepreneur” that deserves to be in the position you are? Are you in control of anything?
You can have the best product, the greatest service, the best sales techniques but without traffic you simply just like the classic history teacher on his sandals that has the greatest knowledge but no traffic that will pay him what he actually deserves…
Let’s assume you don’t have this huge ad budget, this huge social media following but you do want to reach people…tell the world about how you can help them…
You need to start learning how to talk to cold audiences, the bigger your reach the better because you simply don’t have the time and the budget to go through all the trial and error of doing ads or building those relationships that do have access…
…and once you learned how to do the traffic you will need to learn to optimize your conversions – again falls all back into one single skill: copywriting (plus strategy and structure)
So that’s why genres instead of niches…
What are genres and what does that have to do with anything?
Why genres?
Well, genres are in the first place a much bigger area to work in, and if you know how to grab the attention of a cold audience while using strategies that work for a particular genre then you’re on a great path…
Just some genre examples: Fiction, non-fiction, horror, drama, comedy…
The past years I studied, absorbing and dissected any kind of content regarding scriptwriting and anything related to movies – Michael Hauge (the g.o.a.t.) mainly but also humongous amounts of:
- videos where actors come together and discuss their roles in-depth – for example the actors roundtable
- movie critics videos – LIke Film Courage
- script writing Youtube videos – For example click here
I could go on and on 🙂 but I won’t do it in this post but feel free to hit me up via WhatsApp if you’re seriously interested
And this is something that can influence your writing incredibly, especially on a personal subconscious level, focusing on brainwashing yourself on a subconscious level which makes you do things naturally and automatically…
… perhaps an interesting topic for another post…
So Why Movies?
Well, first of all, the movie industry knows what works in business in so many ways and they know how to reach audiences that consist of a wide range of demographics…
…with other words: They know how to “touch” people emotionally and convert them buying tickets for the cinemas, buying mech, toys, etcetera…

And I am literally obsessed with any aspect of it, the casting, actors’ behavior, scripts wiring, movie trailer creation, movie marketing…
…every element is so important and is incredibly structured and with surgeon precision executed that you MUST have some sort of respect once you start understanding…
AND the strategies can be used in pretty much any kind of industry…
But what attracts me probably most of all is the writing part, the strategy, and the psychological way of writing…creating attachments to the “heroes”, the main character, the journey…
And these elements are important for your business:
…your client is this hero, you describe the journey they can walk in order to solve their problem with your product/service but first, you need to attach it to them…
…by telling stories that they can familiarize themselves with and see that their current situation can be solved…
Storytelling is key, reaching out is the way to put that story in front of them and conversion will bring you eventually the dollars…
Movie scripts, categorized in genres, know how to speak to a wide audience WITHOUT niching down, but instead categorize audiences in genres…
…build a connection with creating emotion by making people laugh (comedy), afraid (horror), cry (drama), etc
Let me try to explain what I mean and why it’s important…
For example, an audience that loves comedy can consist of a wide range of people that are active in so many different industries and still they are interested in the same genre…
A doctor, a local handyman, the owner of that big company, they might all fall into the comedy genre…
And that’s a skill you would like to have, it’s a skill that will put you in the position to survive in any country under any circumstances…
Do you see where I am getting with this?
Once more why is this important?
Well, like most of you guys know, we are at the moment in the power position of unlimited outreach to any person with an email or phone number…
Unlimited follow-ups, spintax, virtually gathering unlimited leads and verifying, etc…
…and yes getting in-boxed…
>>>If you don’t know anything about this development then you should click here to read more.<<<

Grab their attention at first, offer them something of value that solves their problem to build trust and make them do something that requires a deeper understanding of how to interact with humans…
…especially when they never heard about you and you drop in with a cold email, WhatsApp message, or any kind of message without having a previous connection..
Look, you can have all the traffic under your fingertips but if you don’t know what to do with it you still pretty much wandering around like a chicken without a head…right?
The Hollywood scripts strategies give you such a huge insight into not only yourself but also in communication with other human beings and teach you what makes humans tick (and what does not)…
Let’s Take A Look At The Mindmap Below:

To finish this post I would like to end with a short explanation of this mind map which clarifies how the elements discussed in this post are connected…
At the bottom of the image you see the main categories of business industries, assuming that not everyone is familiar with these I will explain a tiny bit about this.
So for example in the wealth category you can find the niches like Real estate, internet marketing, stock trading, etc – In the health category, you can find niches like Fitness, personal trainers, gyms, nutritionists, etc…
I think you get the picture here, right?
And each niche can be niched down…until you’re swimming in that “blue ocean”…
So in order to reach out to them, I am using genre-related content and not only genre-related content but also trying to make the content that makes them curious without raising any suspicion or skepticism…
That’s really it…
…some of my best message contents do exist of only two-sentence paragraphs which makes them look like worthless pieces of content but they are so emotionally loaded and curiosity-focused that people do WANT to see the next step…
So now you know why these elements are so important for strategies that we use to outreach to any person on this planet…
Ok, we won’t reach out to anyone on this planet simply because of the lack of time…
…but also know not all people like to grow and develop but that’s again a topic for another post…
Want to know how your business, your skill set can benefit from this?
At the moment I am still looking, filtering, selecting businesses/products to work with…
Click the button below to schedule a video call…