Over the years I read a huge number of books and at least a dozen are books that I use as my consultancy line up on a daily basis which means that I read them at least a few dozen times..
I devoured the content…
…made a humongous amount of notes and simply dissected each word, each paragraph in order to create a crystal clear picture from the content that I was consuming and what it actually wanted to tell me…
Are you into reading? Let’s connect on GoodReads: Click here to find me there
Next to Kindle I read dozens of physical books, guides, any PDF that’s related to my interests, and that I started to read with the intention to find that single golden nugget that pushes me faster towards my goal…
…but which paragraph made me obsessed with the idea of controlling traffic and enjoying a 100% level of freedom?
This Is That Paragraph
Now, this paragraph turned my obsession into an overdrive mode, confirmed my hypotheses, and calibrated my direction:

This paragraph made me 4 years ago obsessed with the idea: To get traffic on demand where ever I am and whenever I want without paying for advertisement…
I always knew that it was possible but 4 years ago I didn’t know the right way…YET.
And there are dozens of pieces in this puzzle that had to be combined, shuffled around, deleted, reorganized, shuffled again, destroyed, and re-assembled over and over…
On the contrary, it’s only for the past year since I was hitting the right tools, the right strategies and with every new failure, I knew I am one step closer…
…Closer to what you might ask yourself…
Closer to be in control, control of your own traffic, control of your freedom…
The way I approached the internet from the beginning:
It’s one big phone book with contacts that can be reached somehow – understand that I am from a time where we used a so-called Rolodex to store phone numbers and fax was way too advanced for me when running my offline businesses and projects…:)
And yes, we had to pick up the phone to set orders at wholesale companies or to find new ones, we had to call back because they weren’t at the office, old school…

The internet is one big pool of audiences that can be segmented, attracted, and sent anywhere but you need a skill named: Copywriting – Copywriting is a skill that you simply start doing and never should stop developing…
In order to improve my copywriting, I read every single day without skipping a single day the past decade – next to that I started studying the art of storytelling by absorbing anything possible regarding movie scripts (the past 5 years)…
In order to improve conversions of my copy and create emotion in writing, I study the past 10 years of psychology and philosophy which gave me a great insight into my own being and enhanced the impact of the interactions with other people…
You Got A Skill A Service A Product AND Then…?
Now we reached the point in this blog post that pretty much anyone on the internet wants and actually needs: TRAFFIC…
Generating traffic whenever you want means control, controlling traffic without paying any third-party platform like Facebook, Google ads, or any of the dozens of other advertising platforms is a marketing and sales person’s wet dream…
…without the anxiety of your ad accounts getting banned…your ads disapproved…all history…
Taking the essence of your value to the market uncensored and pure…
I knew from day one that this was possible somehow and it has always been one of my biggest drives and I sacrificed pretty much anything for…trust me on this one…everything (ok, I kept my heart beating duh)!
See, the problem with all the skills that you could master you still need to reach people who are interested in that skill in order to make a living…
From all the “guru” courses you can find on the internet they all leave the most important out: Traffic AND structure…
Because remember this for the rest of your life:

You can watch or read any course but if you don’t place the strategy into a consistent structure you simply never going to make a stable income from any business model.
That’s why I am incredibly into building audiences as well…
You need:
- TRAFFIC – Whether is offline or online you need people who show interest in you and your business
- Leads to contact – Collection and verifying
- Evergreen systems to reach out – The art is in the amount and strategical setup
- Copywriting – You need to know how to “make” aware of the fact that you can help them in exchange for money
These are the elements that a Dotcombaron needs in order to live detached and free to go where ever and whenever you want.
At this point of writing this post, it’s only a few days ago that I finalized testing my cold outreach system to the max with the intention of trying to break it – at this point:
Everything is in place…
So the 4 points mentioned are all covered, are undeniable evergreen, and virtually without any caps…
That one paragraph turned me from an obsessed person into obsession overdrive and after hundreds of failures, disappointments, days of skipping food, days without a roof above my head, made fun of by people…
…when you go insanity mode you will get advice from people to keep you where you are or at least on their level so they don’t need to feel too bad about their misfortunes and mostly attachment to their jobs…
But remember this, people who are making fun of people are doing so mostly from a position in their life that they always will be in…
Let me explain: People who made fun of me were in a job position where they broke their backs on a 9 to 5 basis and enjoyed a minimal wage that any savage like myself would drink away in a single day…
Guess where they are now…still in that job…they are stuck and didn’t have the b@lls to make extreme sacrifices to reach a better position for themselves and even worse…for their loved ones…
Unless you are dedicated to your loved ones it is pretty selfish…and cowardly not to push yourself to higher levels (told you Dotcombaron isn’t for butterflies)
Anyway, so never ever let small thinkers pull you down…NEVER!
Evergreen Strategies and Structures
Every time I tested something new I always kept one other important thing in mind: The strategy needs to be evergreen…
Because along the way I studied many possible strategies that I could get my hands on and they all had an expiry date and missed out on some elements that are needed to make the promised outcome achievable by the average JOE or Jane…
Yes, created by marketers who just sell their out methods to squeeze out the extra dollars…
There are a few people that I devoured most of their content from and definitely deserve a place in the evergreen category – people like Russell Brunson, Jay Abraham, Neil Patel and Frank Kern…
Tangible ideas and strategies that spark my brain every time I listen, read or watch their content…
So is this all possible? Now it is and find out how you can benefit…
Now I arrived, at 42 years old, with over 30 years of sales and a huge amount of failures and a handful of great successes and this is going to be my crown jewel, my Big Kahuna….my retirement
DotcomBaron is a fact and ready to collaborate, educate and share the power of this one-of-a-kind machine..
Oeh, perhaps an interesting fact: At this very moment I collected over 1 million leads which are part of a giveaway for which I’ll use a viral marketing strategy where businesses combine lists and their retail products…
Can I reach out to unlimited amounts of people in any niche and in any country? Oh man: Hell yeah!
I never was a big fan of sleeping but these days I can’t wait to wake up from the moment my head hits the pillow at night, you wanna know why?
…Because I can’t wait to work with people and see the “oh my god moment” in their eyes, I can’t wait what kind of offer will represent to me where I can release the Kraken upon, and I can’t wait to select what to sell today…
Are you with me? Do you want to know more? Are you obsessed and willing to put in the work?
…Got a business, got a business idea, need investors to reach, let’s discuss…
Use the button below to schedule a video call…
Mic drop, I am out…